Changes in the loyalty program for borrowers


Dear Borrowers,

Please be informed that the Bank has suspended the customer loyalty program whereunder the Bank was entitled to reduce, on a temporary basis, the interest rates on mortgage and European Personal Loans during the performance under the repayment terms and conditions thereof, and performance of the transactions in the amounts set out in the Famiglia service package.

Thus, if you have any existing European Personal Loan or mortgage, and you are a subscriber to the Famiglia service package, then, under your loan agreement with the Bank, the Bank reserves the right to revise the interest rate for the period of one year.

However, as mentioned above, and with due account for a number of economic factors, including a material increase in the discount rate, from 10% to 25%, by the National Bank of Ukraine, and thus, fluctuation in the money supply value as well as changes in the conditions of their attraction, the Bank took the decision that the interest rates on loans shall not be revised during martial law.

Nevertheless, after the cessation of martial law, all eligible borrowers, namely those who regularly use cards and abide by the terms and conditions of their agreements for the purpose of a reduction in the interest rate, will be included in the loyalty program and will be able to claim reduced interest rates on loans. In addition, the clients who have already fulfilled their contracts, but whose interest rates, due to cancelation by the Bank of the loyalty program, were not changed, will also be granted an opportunity to participate in the temporary interest rate reduction program that shall be effective for the same period of one year.

Further details of the loyalty program resumption with a view to revising the interest rates will follow at a later date

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

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