PRAVEX BANK is working on the further development of uninterrupted operation of branches


The banking system must quickly respond to any challenges and scenarios of the events’ development. For this purpose, at the initiative of the National Bank of Ukraine, all systemically essential banks joined together to create a joint banking network - POWER BANKING. This is a joint network of bank branches throughout Ukraine, which will work and provide banking services to clients, even during a critical blackout.

The first results of the work of the "points of un-breakability", namely: in which regions were the most significant load on duty departments observed; what services are most in demand among clients; the prospects for expansion of on-duty branches and joint initiatives within the framework of the project were discussed today by the participants of the round table "POWER BANKING: the experience of creating a network of uninterrupted access to banking services". The "Financial Club held the event".

"Now, a new vector is being formed in the work of the banking system. No matter which bank's client comes to the branch, he is given great attention. We try to find a solution for anyone who applies to PRAVEX BANK. All banks have joined together to find better solutions for the banking system and customers. We support all clients in case of a lack of electricity consumption and communication in the branches of another bank. Now it is the task of every specialist at the branch to be aware of all the services and opportunities not only of his bank but also of other banks," said Ludmila Kinder, director of the department of support and coordination of PRAVEX BANK network.

According to Ludmila Kinder, the uninterrupted operation of banks is already an integral part of the work of banking institutions and a sign of stability. Changes are taking place not only in the work of bank branches but also in the development of online services. PRAVEX BANK is actively developing PRAVEX ONLINE and strengthening the Contact Center team, which promptly provides assistance and support to clients on any issues.

PRAVEX BANK is constantly improving and making its services more accessible to customers and continues to provide working branches with generators to maintain continuous operation. Generators were installed in all support branches of the city of Kyiv and nineteen regions.

We want to remind, you that in the event of a blackout, a specific list of urgent banking services will be available to all customers in regular branches of PRAVEX BANK, in particular:

  • receiving cash (at ATMs or the cash desk);
  • payments, money transfer (at the cash desk or self-service terminals);
  • currency exchange (if cash is available at the cash desk);
  • consulting managers on financial issues.

list of all stable bank branches that work during a long-term blackout.

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