PRAVEX BANK signed the UN Global Compact Network Ukraine’s Memorandum on Joint Anti-Corruption Actions in Ukraine


PRAVEX BANK signed the UN Global Compact Network Ukraine’s Memorandum on Joint Anti-Corruption Actions in Ukraine

Photo by UN Global Compact in Ukraine

PRAVEX BANK, a part of Intesa Sanpaolo, international banking group, joined the initiative of the United Nations Global Compact Network Ukraine and signed the Memorandum on Joint Anti-Corruption Action in Ukraine. PRAVEX BANK is the first bank in Ukraine, which joined this initiative.

The Memorandum was signed on December 7th as a part of Anti-Corruption Week 2021. The main idea of the Memorandum is to promote a transparent corruption-free environment, which will stimulate the development of the economy, businesses and society. The text of the document was prepared by the UNGC Network Ukraine’s Office and it is the same for all companies participating in this initiative around the world.

"Cooperation with the UN and signing the Global Compact Memorandum is an important step for us in declaring our results and further commitment to develop transparent business in Ukraine. We aim at increasing the level of trust and respect for the financial industry. That is why we decided to be the first bank in Ukraine, which signed a public commitment to the full transparency in relations with clients, suppliers and employees. It helps to initiate social conversation on the importance of compliant governance in business practices and implementation of effective internal processes to prevent any manifestations of corruption. I believe that international businesses in Ukraine should be an example of the world’s best governance practices, leading to creation of transparent business environment", - comments Stefano Burani, the Chairman of the Management Board of PRAVEX BANK.

The CEO of the UN Global Compact Network Ukraine Tatiana Sakharuk emphasized: "Launching the Anti-Corruption Collective Action Program last year, the UN Global Compact Network Ukraine has become a platform for Ukrainian companies to take joint action to fight corruption. We are glad to witness the development of the program and to have PRAVEX BANK join our initiative and sign the Memorandum. Becoming the first bank among the signatories, their involvement demonstrates the importance of anti-corruption action in the banking sector".

By signing the Memorandum, the participants declare their intention to cooperate in preventing and combating corruption in Ukraine at all levels and agree to conduct their business honestly, transparently and in full compliance with Ukrainian legislation, the principles of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), the Inter-American Convention Against Corruption, the Rules on Combating Corruption of International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), and the Tenth Principle of the UN Global Compact Against Corruption.

PRAVEX BANK, part of Intesa Sanpaolo Group since 2008, has been in the market since 1992 serving Ukrainian customers for over 25 years. The Bank has a national coverage and provides the entire range of banking services to Retail, Corporate and Institutional clients. Using the best practices and international presence of Intesa Sanpaolo Group, PRAVEX BANK offers innovative solutions for corporate clients in working capital and investment financing, deposits, international payments and funds transfers, and special conditions on trade finance. Among PRAVEX BANK’s main retail products are mortgages, the European Personal Loan and the Famiglia Service Package.

About Intesa Sanpaolo 

Intesa Sanpaolo is a wealth management & protection company, Italy’s leading bank and one of the most solid and profitable bank groups in Europe. It offers commercial, corporate investment banking, private banking, asset management and insurance services. The Intesa Sanpaolo Group has approximately 13.5 million customers in Italy and 7.1 million customers abroad through commercial banking subsidiaries in 12 countries in Central-Eastern Europe and Middle East and North Africa as well an international network to support corporate customers across 25 countries. Intesa Sanpaolo is recognized as one of the most sustainable banks in the world and is committed to becoming a reference model in terms of sustainability and social and cultural responsibility. Intesa Sanpaolo supports major economic inclusion and poverty reduction projects, including a €1.5 billion impact fund for loans to social groups who struggle to access credit. The Group has a €6 billion fund dedicated to the circular economy. The Group is also deeply involved in cultural initiatives in Italy and further afield, with the aim of preserving, promoting and sharing Italy’s historical and artistic heritage, also thanks to permanent and temporary exhibitions hosted at the Gallerie d’Italia, Intesa Sanpaolo’s museums located in Milan, Naples, Vicenza and, soon, Turin.

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The United Nations Global Compact Network Ukraine is the official representative of the UN Global Compact, which is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative. It is a dialogue and training platform for businesses, investors, civil society, labor organizations, local and federal government in Ukraine.

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