
Dear clients! 

After opening current account for individual entrepreneur in our Bank You would be able to carry out the settlements on Your account on the date of submission of the payment document within both transaction and post-operation time. Transactions are performed to the extent of account balance as of the beginning of transaction day. If need be, the Bank can perform transactions on Your account at the expense of the current cash and non-cash inflows.

You would be able to open accounts in the national and foreign currencies as well as in the banking metals.

Modern systems of remote servicing of accounts ONLINE PRAVEX and PRAVEXBANK BIZ allow to swiftly obtain information on a state of account, shortens time of performing settlements, afford an opportunity to make payments in the national currency without visiting the bank.

Technologies of the system allow in case of partial or complete absence of funds in the account to send electronic payment documents to the Bank for custody. In this case the Bank undertakes a function of Your financial intermediary by sending payments as and when the funds arrive in the account.