The main principles of the Bank's work with corporate clients are the maximum satisfaction of each client's needs in banking services and the focus on mutually beneficial cooperation. There is no area of business where qualified managers of the Bank would not be able to offer their assistance in establishing efficient and profitable activities of the enterprise. The bank has developed an individual service package for each customer group. On the other hand, the Bank is focused on attracting financial resources of international and Ukrainian investors to implement its own projects and client projects. For this purpose, within the framework of investment business development, the Bank offers a number of services for international and Ukrainian investors.
For many years PRAVEX BANK has been one of the most dynamic and successful banks in Ukraine, has a continuous positive history of passing international audits and assigning ratings by international agencies, which is a confirmation of financial stability and investment attractiveness.
The bank is focused on attracting financial resources of international and Ukrainian investors to implement its own projects and client projects. To this end, as part of the development of the investment business, the Bank offers a number of services for international and Ukrainian investors.
The depository institution of PRAVEX BANK offers the following services to its customers:
- opening the securities accounts for legal entities and individuals (residents and non-residents);
- depository services in connection with the circulation of securities on securities account, keeping records of the rights in securities;
- servicing the corporate transactions of a securities issuer: opening accounts for owners, placing the issued securities on the accounts;
- payment of income on securities;
- provision of custody services in relation to the treasury bills (T-bills) circulation;
- provision of information services (issuing extracts, certificates, statements, and other information on the securities kept in the accounts);
- advisory services in relation to keeping records of ownership of the securities.
Advantages of getting services from the Depository Institution of PRAVEX BANK:
- high reputation and high level of reliability of the Bank;
- opening the accounts and servicing the circulation of Clients’ securities in full compliance with laws and regulations;
- full and timely performance of the agreements on servicing securities accounts and customer orders;
- timely and accurate recording in the accounting system of the customer custody transaction orders;
- prevention of unauthorized use of the assets;
- timely transfer of the income on securities;
- non-disclosure of the information on the clients, securities they own, and/or transactions with them;
- personalized approach to customers.
To the attention of the clients of the Depository Institution!
- 12.01.2024 The Management Board of PRAVEX BANK JSC approved a new version of the Regulation on Depository Activities of the Depository Institution of PRAVEX BANK JSC (hereinafter, the Regulation). Main changes: The Regulations are brought into line with the amendments to the current legislation of Ukraine, amendments to the Annexes, information on financial services is set out in accordance with the requirements of Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine "On Financial Services and Financial Companies." All provisions set forth in this Regulation shall be deemed to apply from 01.01.2024.
- Depository institution PRAVEX BANK JSC announces approval of the new version of the Securities Account Service Agreement from 01.01.2024.
The Agreement is supplemented by the obligation of the Depositary Institution to collect information on the financial activities of depositors and to carry out proper due diligence of accounts regarding the tax residency status of holders of securities accounts for the purposes of the CRS Standard, and the obligation of the depositor to provide the Depositary Institution with the documents and information necessary to clarify the status of tax residence in relation to itself and the status of tax residence of its ultimate beneficial owners, controlling person (for legal entities).
The public offer (offer) for the conclusion of the Securities Account Service Agreement is posted on the official website of PRAVEX BANK JSC in the Depository Services section. - 29.08.2023 The depositary institution PRAVEX BANK announces changes in tariffs for depository operations from September 01, 2023.
- The approved changes will apply to both existing and new customers/depositors.
Main changes:
- Reducing the number and simplifying the names of custody operations.
- Return of the fee for servicing transactions with government securities (government bonds, military bonds).
The new version of the tariffs is available on the official website of the Depository Institution in the section "Depository Services".
On September 29, 2022, the Management Board of PRAVEX BANK approved a new version of the Regulation on Depository Activity of Depository Institution of PRAVEX BANK (hereinafter, the "Regulation"). The main changes include the alignment of the Regulation with the amendments to applicable laws of Ukraine. The Regulations are supplemented by the Public Proposal for concluding the Agreement on servicing the securities account for entities and individuals.
On September 29, 2022, PRAVEX BANK depository institution reports on the approval of new version of the Agreements on servicing the securities account. The public proposal (offer) regarding the conclusion of the Agreements on servicing the securities account is posted on the official website of PRAVEX BANK in the "Depository services" section.- The National Commission on Securities and Stock Market (hereinafter - the NSSMC ), in support of the Government's actions to restore the economy, from August 8, 2022, is removing almost all restrictions on transactions on capital markets and organized commodity markets, which were introduced on February 24, 2022 in connection with Russia's armed attack on Ukraine and the introduction of martial law. The adoption of the NSSMC Decision of 04.08.2022 № 1053 "On streamlining the conduct of professional activities on capital markets and organized commodity markets during the period of martial law" it is prohibited to establish business relations and/or conduct transactions with persons connected to the state during the period of martial law. Aggressor - the Russian Federation and/or the Republic of Belarus, or for their benefit and/or carrying out actions regarding the assets or liabilities of such persons, and/or making income payments, repayment amounts for the benefit of such persons, as well as making changes to the securities depository accounting system regarding securities accounts of depositors, clients from among the persons specified in paragraphs two to seven of sub-item 1 of item 3 of the Decision of NSSMC of 04.08.2022 №1053. In connection with the above, the Depositary Institution reserves the right to request additional information from the depositor/client upon application regarding the founders and/or participants (shareholders), indirect owners of significant participation, and to refuse to carry out operations in the event of detection of the provisions of the Decision of the NSSMC of 08.04.2022 №1053 grounds.
- On February 12, 2021, the Management Board of PRAVEX BANK approved, by its Decision No. 4_21.7, a new version of the Regulation on Depository Activity of Depository Institution of PRAVEX BANK (hereinafter, the “Regulation”). The main changes include the alignment of the Regulation with the amendments to applicable laws of Ukraine. As reported by the Depository Institution of PRAVEX BANK, new tariffs on depository operations with securities for individuals and legal entities (residents and non-residents) were approved on February 20, 2019. The clients (depositors) whose agreements on opening securities accounts or agreements on servicing the securities accounts (hereinafter, the “Agreement”) was concluded prior to entry into force by the decisions of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission (hereinafter, the “Commission”) No.1412 dated 06.08.2013; No. 807 dated 24.06.2014; No.1085 dated 24.07.2015; No.590 dated 26.05.2016; No.148 dated 07.03.2017; No. 673 dated 07.09.2017 (here in after, the “ Commission Decisions”), it is necessary to align the Agreements with the Commission Decisions and model agreement on servicing the securities accounts by amending the existing Agreements. In order to conclude the agreement on amending the Agreement, it is necessary to contact the custody office on telephone (044) 521-02-67 or at the address 9/2, Klovskyi Uzviz, Kyiv. PRAVEX BANK conducts its professional activities on the stock market, i.e. depository activities of a depository institution on the basis of perpetual license АЕ No. 286534 issued based on Decision No. 2297 of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission dated 08.10.2013, which is effective as of 12.10.2013.
Due to the coming into force of the Law of Ukraine On Depository System of Ukraine and adoption by the National Securities and Stock Market Commission of Decision No. 1412 On Approval of Agreement on Servicing Securities Accounts dated August 6, 2013, there is a need to amend the existing agreements on opening the securities accounts or conclude agreements in a new wording. In order to align contractual relationships with the mentioned statutory provisions, “PRAVEX BANK” JSC invites you to sign the relevant addenda or agreement.
- The Depository Institution of PRAVEX BANK, in order to facilitate investments in government securities (treasury bills and bonds, and war bonds) intended to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine, resolved that the Tariffs set out in Sections 1, 3, and 4, Section 2 Item 2.2 of the Tariffs on Depository Operations of the Depository Institution of PRAVEX BANK" for resident and non-resident legal entities and individuals approved by decision No. 2_19.16 of the Assets and Liabilities Management Committee meeting dated February 20, 2019, shall not apply to the transactions with government securities (treasury bills and bonds, and war bonds) as of March 1, 2022, and as long as DECREE No. 64/2022 of the PRESIDENT of UKRAINE On the Imposition of Martial Law in Ukraine dated February 24, 2022, is effective.
For more details, please contact:
Custody Office of the Treasury and Markets Department of the CFO Division of PRAVEX BANK
Tel./Fax: (044) 521-02-67, e-mail:
9/2, Klovskyi Uzviz, Kyiv
- Tariffs for depository operations (from 01.09.2023)
- Information about the financial service
- Regulations on depository activity of the depository institution of JSC PRAVEX BANK (from 01.01.2024)
- Agreement on securities account maintenance (from 01.01.2024)
We offer the Bank's clients the following brokerage services in the stock market of Ukraine (License to conduct professional activities in the stock market - securities trading activities, namely brokerage, NSSMC Decision of 27.08.2018 № 583):
1. Comprehensive customer service based on a brokerage agreement.
Within the framework of the concluded agreement, based on the client's order, the Bank provides the following services:
- on purchase, sale, exchange of securities on the exchange and over-the-counter market,
- including the purchase, sale, exchange of domestic government bonds;
- on advising on the circulation of securities on the stock market of Ukraine;
- on advising on the state of the stock market of Ukraine.
2. Execution of one-time applications of clients for purchase or sale of securities based on concluded power of attorney or commission agreements.
The Bank's clients may be individuals and legal entities, both residents and non-residents of Ukraine.
We provide qualified advice on securities transactions.
Securities Trading Department, Treasury and Stock Markets Department, Main Financial Department of PRAVEX BANK JSC
Information center
tel. 044 201 1661,
tel. 0 800 500 450 - calls from landlines in Ukraine are free.
On bonds of internal state loan
Bonds of internal state loan (BISL) are state securities placed exclusively on the domestic stock market, which confirm Ukraine's obligations to reimburse the bearers of these bonds for their nominal value with payment of income according to the terms of bond placement. According to Resolution No.80 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dd. January 31, 2001 On Issue of Bonds of Internal State Loans, the Ministry of Finance carries out BISL placement in the form of auction sale through the National Bank of Ukraine that carries out transactions on public debt servicing related to the placement BISL, their repayment and payment of income under them, as well as carries out depository activities regarding these securities.
According to its powers, the Ministry of Finance:
- makes and publishes approximate schedules of BISL placement, defines the time and volume of bond placement (approved schedule, as well as changes to it are periodically posted on the official website of the Ministry);
- defines forms and ways of BISL placement, establishes the terms of BISL circulation, dates of their repayment and payment of coupon income (for coupon bonds);
- establishes a threshold level of BISL profitability, according to which the applications of bond placement participants are satisfied;
- publishes information on the results of BISL placement;
- engages in issuing BISL in the form of global certificates;
- ensures timely BISL repayment and payment of income under them
BISL placement is carried out based on current financing needs of the State Budget of Ukraine.
The dates of the auctions, cancellation conditions and BISL currencies are posted on the websites of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine
BISL are issued in national and foreign currencies (USD / EUR), BISL nominal value amounts to 1,000.00 UAH / USD / EUR.
BISL exist in non-documented form, i.e. in electronic form, in the form of records on a security account.
Term of BISL circulation:
- long-term – over five years;
- medium-term – from one year to five years;
- short-term – up to one year.
BISL advantages:
- 100% guarantee of the state;
- no personal income tax (18%);
- no military levy (5%);
- profitability of currency BISL significantly exceeds profitability of deposits;
- possibility of sale on the secondary market;
- investment in currency BISL is a unique opportunity to acquire a reliable currency asset for hryvnia.
Income under BISL can be received in the form of:
- interest income (interest BISL);
- difference between acquisition cost (lower than their nominal value) and repayment cost (nominal value) of securities (discount BISL).
The placement of this information is fulfilled by JSC PRAVEX BANK Depositary Institution of the norms of the Procedure for sending notifications and information through the depository system of Ukraine in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Joint Stock Companies".
17.01.2025. to the attention of the participants of JSC "Closed non-diversified venture corporate investment fund "AX CAPITAL", USREOU code 43724182. The text of the notice can be found on website of the Central Securities Depository.
22.11.2024. to the attention of the participants of JSC "Closed non-diversified venture corporate investment fund "AX CAPITAL", USREOU code 43724182. The text of the notice can be found on website of the Central Securities Depository.
08.11.2024. to the attention of the participants of JSC "Closed non-diversified venture corporate investment fund "AX CAPITAL", USREOU code 43724182. The text of the notice can be found on website of the Central Securities Depository.
01.11.2024. to the attention of the bondholders of "SUCHASNYI FACTORING" LLC, USREOU code 35310044. The text of the notice can be found on website of the Central Securities Depository.
16.10.2024. to the attention of the bondholders of "SUCHASNYI FACTORING" LLC, USREOU code 35310044. The text of the notice can be found on website of the Central Securities Depository.
24.04.2024. to the attention of the participants of PJSC "Closed non-diversified venture corporate investment fund "GENERAL INVESTMENT RESOURCES", USREOU code 37544985. The text of the notice can be found on website of the Central Securities Depository.
29.03.2024. to the attention of the participants of PJSC "Closed non-diversified venture corporate investment fund "GENERAL INVESTMENT RESOURCES", USREOU code 37544985. The text of the notice can be found on website of the Central Securities Depository.